FMT AxiomEPM Windows Installation Guide


New Axiom FMT users need to contact the FMT Administrator at [email protected] to activate their FMT login.  Once your login is activated, proceed to the software requirements below.

The following items are required to run the AxiomEPM Excel Client. These items are available in the Software Center on Division of IT managed computers.  If your computer is not managed by the Division of IT, please contact your local IT department for support with the prerequisites.

  • Internet Explorer 9 or higher, Google Chrome 26 or higher, Firefox 5 or higher
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2
  • Microsoft Visual Studio Tools Runtime  

Software Center screenshot

If you require need assistance installing these items, please contact the IT Support Center at 202‐994‐4948 or at [email protected]

Installation Steps

Please install the AxiomEPM Excel Client using the instructions below:

  1. Visit Log in using your netid and netid password.

AxiomEPM cloud initial screenshot

  1. If you are using Internet Explorer, click on the Excel Client link and it will run the
    Axiom.UI.Start.application on your computer. Go to Internet Explorer Installation Steps.
  2. If you are using Chrome, you will need to install an additional extension to allow the
    Axiom.UI.Start.application to run properly. Go to Chrome - Add-on Installation Steps.
  3. If you are using Firefox, you will need to install an additional extension to allow the
    Axiom.UI.Start.application to run properly. Go to Firefox ‐ Add‐on Installation Steps.

Internet Explorer Installation Steps

  1. Click Install to install the AxiomEPM Excel Client. Once installed, the program will automatically launch.
    Screenshot of installation of Axiom EPM Client
  2. The program will automatically start after installation completes. Confirm that the Excel Client has successfully launched (see image below).

Initial launch success screenshot

  1. Once installed, users can re‐launch the AxiomEPM Excel Client by visiting, logging in using their netid and netid password, and clicking on
    Excel Client.

 Chrome ‐ Add‐on Installation Steps

  1. Click on the Download link on the right hand menu.

Chrome add-on download link screenshot

  1. Click on the ClickOnce Helper for Google Chrome link:

Click Once Helper for Google Chrome link screenshot

  1. Click the “+ ADD TO CHROME” button for the “Windows Remix ClickOnce Handler” extension to add it to your chrome browser.


Add to Chrome button screenshot

  1. On the pop up window, click “Add Extension”:

Add extension screenshot

  1. Go to Chrome and Firefox Installation Steps (continued) to complete installation.

Firefox ‐ Add‐on Installation Steps

  1. Click on the Download link on the right hand menu.

Download screenshot for add-ons

  1. Click on the ClickOnce Helper for Firefox link:

Screenshot of ClickOnce Helper for Firefox link

  1. Hover over the “FxClickOnce” add‐on at the top and click the “+ Add to Firefox” button that appears to the right of it.

Add Firefox add-on screenshot

  1. Click install on the pop up window:

Install Firefox add-on screenshot

  1. Firefox will then ask you to restart the browser. Click Restart Now:

Restart Firefox Now screenshot

  1. Once the browser reboots, navigate back to Proceed to Chrome and Firefox Installation Steps (continued) to complete the installation.

Chrome and Firefox Installation Steps (continued)

  1. After the add‐on is installed, navigate back to and log back with your netID and password.
  2. Click on the Excel Client to launch the installer.
  3. Click Install to install the AxiomEPM Excel Client. Once installed, the program will automatically launch.

Axiom EPM installation screenshot

4. The program will automatically start after installation completes. Confirm that the Excel Client has successfully launched (see image). Once installed, users can re‐launch the AxiomEPM Excel Client by visiting, logging in using their netid and netid password, and clicking
on Excel Client.

Successful launch screenshot