Banner Quick Reference
The quick reference list below includes the most frequently modified and queried forms in the Banner Human Resources module.
- PZIEMPL (Employment Verification Form)
- QUERY access
- Replaced PEAEMPL
- Identifies a person as a university employee
- Includes employee status, home department, and dates of service
- NBAJOBS (Employee Jobs Form)
- QUERY access
- Associates an employee with a specific job at a specific pay rate for a specific period of time
- Includes job detail information and labor distribution
- Query date is important when retrieving data
- NBIJLST (Employee Job Inquiry Form)
- QUERY access
- Displays all jobs for a particular employee
- Query date is important when retrieving data
- Can be accessed by query on NBAJOBS position field button
- NBIPORG (Position List by Organization Form)
- QUERY access
- Displays list of positions associated with a particular home organization
- Includes position number, position title, and percentage of effort
- PHICHEK (Check Detail Inquiry Form)
- QUERY access
- Displays detailed information for an employee for a specific pay date
- Includes gross pay, deductions, and net pay
- PHILIST (Pay Event List Form)
- QUERY access
- Displays all pay events for an employee
- Includes year, gross pay, net pay, pay date, and event (payment) type
- Can be accessed by query on PHICHEK year button
- NBIPINC (Position Incumbent List Form)
- QUERY access
- Lists all active and terminated employees for a particular position
- Query date is important when retrieving data
- PEIETOT (Employee Year to Date Totals Form)
- QUERY access
- Year-to-date pay history for an employee by fiscal or calendar year
- Provides monthly, quarterly, and yearly gross and net pay totals
- PEIJTOT (Job Year to Date Totals Form)
- QUERY access
- Year-to-date pay history for employee by position by fiscal or calendar year
- Provides monthly, quarterly, and yearly gross pay totals
- FZMORHI (Organization History Maintenance Form)
- MODIFY access
- Identifies recipient of labor distribution payroll sheets
- Should be updated for new organizations and changes in recipient
- NBAPOSN (Position Definition Form)
- MODIFY access
- Establishes a position within a home organization
- Includes position class (PCLS) and classification title
- NBAPBUD (Position Budget Form)
- MODIFY access
- Establishes the home organization, position begin and end dates, position budget, and labor distribution
- Must be completed for position to have “Active” status
- Linked to NBAPOSN form
- NBIPOSH (Position History Form)
- QUERY access
- Tracks changes made to a position in NBAPOSN form
- Includes position class (PCLS), employee class (ECLS), title, salary grade, reports to position, and user ID (Banner ID of person who made the change)
NZRPOSN (Position Report by Org Code)
- QUERY access
- Report that lists vacant and filled positions by organization and account number
- Basis for salary plans
- May be run for single and pooled positions
- Includes position class (PCLS), employee class (ECLS), employee salary, position budget, position begin and end dates, employee begin and end dates
- May be downloaded or printed
- NZRPPCL (Pooled Position List/Pos. Class)
- QUERY access
- Report that lists pooled positions by position class (PCLS) and organization
- Includes position number, position class (PCLS), and home and charge organizations