
The University Budget Office (UBO) ensures that the George Washington University's (GW) resources are directed to their most optimal use and that the strategic priorities of the university are the primary drivers of those decisions.

Creating the university's operating and capital budget is a large responsibility that requires understanding the business needs of all of the operating units at GW. It also involves a number of activities including tuition pricing analysis, strategic investment, position management, assessment and prioritization of operating needs, and reporting to Executive Management and to the Board of Trustees on budget priorities and budget performance.

The execution of the mission of the UBO requires a strategic partnership that works in a collaborative manner with staff and management in all university units to understand their budgetary needs. Budgeting is about making strategic choices that will result in the achievement of goals.

Managing operating and capital resources requires partnerships with staff and management throughout the organization to leverage our collective knowledge of the operations of the university and the factors that influence those operations. It means making decisions between competing priorities and supporting those decisions with critical analysis and documentation.

As we strive to achieve our visions of serving as a strategic partner and a trusted advisor to the operating units of the university, we look forward to working together on university priorities and seeking collaborative solutions for the opportunities that lie ahead.


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